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Exprese vybraných proteinů spermií u mužů s normálním a patologickým spermiogramem za použití monoklonálních protilátek
Pěknicová, Jana ; Čapková, Jana ; Dorosh, Andriy ; Margaryan, Hasmik ; Kubátová, Alena ; Děd, Lukáš
Nedávné studie ukázaly že neplodnost v lidské populaci postihuje odhadem 15% párů v reprodukčním věku. Mužská neplodnost je primární příčinou u 60% těchto případů. Z těchto důvodů jsme analyzovali povrchové a akrozomální proteiny spermií u mužů s normálním a patologickým spermiogramem. Zjistili jsme že intra-akrozomální proteiny: TERA, GAPDHS, PRKAR2A, které lze analyzovat pomocí našich monoklonálních protilátek , jsou rozdílně exprimovány u zdravých mužů a mužů s asthenozoospermií a to se signifikantně sníženou expresí u asthenozoospermie. tyto proteiny se účastní energetického metabolismu a apoptózy buněk a některé z nich i vazby na vajíčko - mají tedy důležitou roli v reprodukci. Na druhou starnu nebyly zjisštěny statisticky významné rozdíly v expresi povrchových proteinů (Appolipoprotein J, Semenogelin). Naše závěry ukazují že asthenozoospermie jako komplexní poruch apermatu je často v kombinaci s jinými patologickými stavy, které nejsou diagnostikovány základní analýzou spermatu. Monoklonální protilátky jsou tak vhodným nástrojem pro detekci proteinů spojených s patologií spermií ve spermatu s nízkou pohyblivostí spermií. Obecně, monoklonální protilátky proti proteinům spermie jsou vhodným nástrojem k detekci kvality spermií v reprodukční medicíně.
Fluorescent analysis of the differential protein expression in normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic sperm samples
Děd, Lukáš ; Čapková, Jana ; Kubátová, Alena ; Teplá, O. ; Pěknicová, Jana
Asthenozoospermia is one of the main seminal pathologies underlying male infertility. Previous proteomic studies have demonstrated the significant differences in the protein profiles between normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic sperm samples. Since these studies were primarily focused on the identification of differentially expressed proteins by mass spectrometry, we aimed to evaluate the ability of our diagnostic antibodies to detect the differential expression of selected protein markers by fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry techniques. Therefore, we analyzed sperm samples from 30 men with normal and 30 men with astheno spermiograms, average by the panel of our diagnostic anti-human sperm (Hs) antibodies. Fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry analysis revealed quantitative differences in the protein abundances between normo and astheno sperm samples, namely, in GAPDHs, evaluated with Hs-8 MoAb, VCP, evaluated with Hs-14 MoAb, and ATP synthase, evaluated with MoAb Hs-36. From the methodological point of view, we observed very high correlation between the data obtained by fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry techniques and therefore both methods are useful for evaluation of protein differences associated with asthenozoospermia. From the clinical point of view, we observed the strong association of the low sperm motility in the sample with the expression of proteins, playing an important role in sperm energy metabolism (expected), but also with the expression of all tested intra-acrosomal proteins. These findings further demonstrate asthenozoospermia as a complex semen disorder frequently associated with other semen pathologies, which are not diagnosed by basic semen analysis, and the possibility to use monoclonal antibodies as a tool for diagnosis of protein associated sperm pathologies in the semen with the low sperm motility.
Flow cytometry (FCM) sperm assessment In normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic men using monoclonal antibodies against sperm proteins
Čapková, Jana ; Kubátová, Alena ; Děd, Lukáš ; Teplá, O. ; Pěknicová, Jana
Recent studies have shown that infertility affects an estimated 15% of all couples. Male infertility is the primary or contributing cause in 60% of these cases. Consequently, application of methods of assisted reproduction is increasing. These methods would benefit from extended evaluation of the sperm quality. For this purpose, we analyzed sperm proteins in men with normal spermiograms and with asthenozoospermia. Ejaculates of both groups were tested with a set of well-characterized monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) to human sperm. No statistically significant differences were found between normospermics and asthenospermics in the expression of sperm surface proteins clusterin, evaluated by Hs-3 MoAb, and semenogelin, evaluated by Hs-9 MoAb. On the other hand, flow cytometry revealed quantitative differences between normozoospermic and asthenozoospermic men in GAPDHS (glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase human sperm-specific glycolytic enzyme), evaluated by Hs-8 MoAb, VCP (valosin-containing protein), detected with Hs-14 MoAb, and PRKAR2A (cAMP-dependent protein kinase type II – alpha regulatory subunit) detected by MoAb Hs-36. Asthenozoospermic men displayed significantly reduced expression of intra-acrosomal proteins with a likely decrease in sperm quality, and thus a negative impact on successful reproduction.

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